Michele Goodwin
94 Texas L. Rev. 353
“Invisible Women: Mass Incarceration’s Forgotten Casualties” is a review of Alice Goffman’s On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City (The University of Chicago Press, 2014) and James Jacobs’ The Eternal Criminal Record (Harvard University Press, 2015). It examines the lack of critical discussion of the impact that the criminal justice system has on women contained in Goffman’s On the Run. In this Review Essay, Professor Goodwin argues that women are often overlooked as victims of the war on drugs and a broken system of law enforcement and mass incarceration. She then examines Jacobs’ The Eternal Criminal Record to look at the collateral damage caused to women, children, and families as a result of felony disenfranchisement, loss of housing, and loss of parental custody.